Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A suprise visitor!!

Alex from 6th Class brought in a snake for all of us to hold!


 In science we studied Electricity and made our own circuits. We even learnt how to make switches. 

Music week

 We had a karaoke competition for music week and had so much fun with Ms.Ryans class and the 4th classes. We also done a drum class with Mr.Russell 

Maths Fun

We studied weight in maths and had fun weighing different things in our classroom.

The Lexicon

We had lots of trips to the Lexicon in Dun Laoghaire this year. In response to the wave of refugees that arrived on the island of Lampeduso in Italy,the International Board on Books for Young People launched the project "Silent Books".  The class attended this really great workshop and even got to create our own nation, including our own flag and our very own rules.